Hi! My name is

Clyde Rempillo

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About Me

I am a Software Engineer with a Master's graduate degree acquired from Toronto Metropolitan University with a thesis research focusing on Model-Driven Engineering supervised by Professor Sadaf Mustafiz M.Sc Ph.D . I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with Software Engineeer Specialization and Minor in Mathematics and Statistics with a 3.25 GPA from the University of Windsor. I have amassed versatile expertise in various domains of Computer Science and Software Engineering, including Model-Driven Engineering, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Web Development, among others. My dedication to academic excellence and diverse skill set positioned me to be hired from several tech companies in Canada such as Google, ADP Tech, CompTIA and the Toronto Metropolitan University.

  • Name: Clyde Rempillo
  • Nationality: Canadian
  • Located in: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Bachelor's: B.C.S in Software Engineering,
    University of Windsor
  • Master's: M.Sc. in Software Engineering,
    Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Email: clyderemp@gmail.com
  • LinkedIN: Click Here



Master of Science in Software Engineering

Toronto Metropolitan University (Formerly known as Ryerson University)

  • Full Gradaute Scholarship (3.92 GPA)
  • Thesis Research in Model-Driven Engineering (Internet-of-Things Domain)
  • Supervised by Professor Sadaf Mustafiz M.Sc. Ph.D.
  • 2016-2021

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    University of Windsor

  • Honour Roll Awardee (3.25 GPA)
  • Software Engineering Specialization
  • Minor in Mathematics and Statistics
  • 2016

    High School Diploma

    St. Joseph's Catholic High School

  • Honour Roll Awardee (89%) GPA
  • Robotics Team Member and competed in First Robotics Competition
  • Physics and Mathematics Club Member
  • Work Experience

    2021 - 2024

    Information Technology Support Specialist &
    Full-Stack Web Developer

    Toronto Metropolitan University

  • Developed a full-stack web portal site for the Lincoln Alexander School of Law using Bootstrap framework and FirestoreDB.
  • Provided comprehensive technical support to faculty, staff, and students. Troubleshooting intricate hardware and software issues was a key aspect of my role
  • I have led the development process of the TMU Law's portal site: Click Here
  • June 2022 - August 2022

    Jr. Software Engineer

    ADP Technology Inc.

  • Collaborated with senior developers to design, develop, and deploy web applications and services using modern technologies.
  • Assisted in frontend development, creating responsive and intuitive user interfaces with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks such as React.js.
  • September 2021 - April 2022

    Jr. Web Developer

    CompTia - TechTalent Accelerator

  • The TechTalent Accelerator is a training program designed to launch the next generation of industry-ready talent for the Canadian Technology sector. The program is a collaboration between Ryerson, CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) and its member companies.
  • Contributed as a Junior Web Developer at CompTIA TechTalent, actively participating in the development and maintenance of web-based projects and applications.
  • I have helped with the front-end development process of this site: Click Here
  • May 2021 - August 2021

    Full-stack Web Developer

    Google Inc. Canada

  • Collaborated within a dynamic team at Google, contributing to the development of innovative web applications and services.
  • Designed and implemented intuitive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap.
  • Integrated with a NoSQL database, FirebaseDB, to support data persistence and retrieval, optimizing database queries for efficiency.
  • Septemeber 2021 - April 2022

    Front-end Web Developer

    Splice Digital Inc.

  • Played a key role in implementing responsive and visually appealing user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring optimal user experiences across various devices and browsers.
  • May 2019 - June 2019

    Electrical Engineer Internship Program

    Blackburn Radio Inc.

  • Located in Windsor, ON, Canada
  • Technical Skills

    Full-stack Dev

    5+ years
    8+ years

    Software Engineer

    4+ years
    10+ years

    IT Specialist

    5+ years
    5+ years

    Dev Languages

    Java 7/8, Java EE, Python, C, C++, C#, mySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Swift, Kotlin, PHP, HTML5, CSS/CSS3, ReactJS, NodeJS, LaTex, XML

    Operating Systems

    iOS, Windows, MacOS, Android, Linux, Unix


    React, Bootstrap, Flask, JUnit, WordPress, FastAPI, Git


    GitHub, Docker, Google Cloud Platforms, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Itemis CREATE, CompTIA Security+, Network+, Sun system, Micros, Opera, Adobe

    Domain Specializations

    IoT, CPS, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), Machine Learning (ML), Digital Twins


    MAY 2023

    Published MDE Author

    Annual Modelling and Simulation Conference

    MDE contribution paper accepted into the Society for Modelling & Simulation International. More info here.

    September 2021 - Present

    Ryerson Graduate Scholarship

    Toronto Metropolitan University (Formerly known as Ryerson University)

    Full scholar to attend Yeates Graduate School at Toronto Metropolitan University.

    September 2016 - June 2021

    UWindsor Ungergraduate Scholarship

    University of Windsor

    Full scholarship in my undergraduate career and helped me finished my Bachelor's degree.


    My Projects

    These are some of the projects I've worked on in the past few years since 2016.


    My very first mobile application that works as a streaming application similar to Instagram Live before it came out.

    PeekSearch Engine

    Web Search Enginer developed during the CoVid pandemic that would show line-up traffic for customers


    Employed advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze diverse student data, including academic records, performance metrics, and behavioral patterns, to generate personalized insights and recommendations.
    Web App: https://myacadvisor.web.app/

    CompTIA TechTalent Accelerator

    The TechTalent Accelerator is a training program designed to launch the next generation of industry-ready talent for the Canadian Technology sector. The program is a collaboration between Ryerson, CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) and its member companies.

    MyLinc Portal

    Led the development of the myLinc Web Portal, a centralized platform designed to serve as the primary hub for students and faculty of the Lincoln Alexander School of Law, facilitating seamless communication, collaboration, and access to resources.
    LINK: https://tmu-lasl-portal.web.app/


    Led the development of a statechart library of atomic statechart components modelling the heterogeneous aspects of IoT systems including sensors, actuators, network, controller.
    Link: https://mde-tmu.github.io/STL4IoT/


    Contact Me

    Contact Number

    +971 50 751 7446

    Email Address


    Portfolio Website

    Click Here