We have developed a library of atomic statechart components modelling the heterogeneous aspects of IoT systems including sensors, actuators, network, controller. Basic templates for smart systems, such as traffic light and room temperature. We have also been defined. A component modelling power consumption is also available. Additionally, a coordinator template that controls interactions among multiple IoT systems has also been proposed. The templates aim to facilitate the development of smart systems. Our work is demonstrated with the use of a smart home system consisting of a smart light, a smart microwave, a smart TV, and a smart fire alarm system. A working system is modelled based on the proposed templates and library components using Yakindu. Controller code is generated from the statechart and used along with a user interface
Open GitHub RepoShown below is the concept diagram used to model the template library provided. This is to help provide a visual representation of the concept or logic followed. Each node contains the element present in the library such as the Hub Template and the IoT Template. The nodes are connected with a relationship line that describes the relation of the root node to the destination node.
How do I use these template and library collection?
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Toronto Metropolitan University
CLYDE REMPILLO is a Masters Graduate student in the Computer Science Department at Toronto Metropolitan University. He finished his Bachelors degree in Computer Science from University of Windsor in 2021, with a specialization in Software Engineering and a minor in Mathematics and Statistics. He is currently working closely with Professor Mustafiz at Toronto Metropolitan University in the area of Model-Driven Software Engineering.
Visit PageSADAF MUSTAFIZ is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Toronto Metropolitan University. She received her Ph.D. and M.Sc in Computer Science from McGill University. Following her Ph.D., she joined the NECSIS research group as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Modelling, Simulation, and Design Lab at McGill University. Her research interests are primarily in the area of Model-Driven Software Engineering.
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